Making a public statement of unconditional love has a power that is available to us. If we tap into it.


Why the soulful celebrant? To me, the word soulful suggests the expression of a deep feeling and many profound feelings are involved in getting married. It also alludes to a style of music that speaks both to and from the heart and of which I am an aficionado. Hence the soulful celebrant. The term tingles as I like to bring together the power of pure emotion and the excitement of great music.

I've always particularly concerned about living the best life I can. I’ve been searching for meaning since I can remember, taking steps forward as often as possible towards that place in which I can feel I’m true to myself, but most importantly adding value to others and sharing their natural talents.

After many years of adventure as a journalist, I noticed there was something missing. There was a gift I was not giving: Gathering people together to celebrate love, union, and community. I'm both serious and appreciative of the power of what ceremonies can unleash. I believe in the transformative possibilities of established wisdom and rituals in general, and in the power of marriage in particular, with all its shades of grey. The celebration has evolved, our families have changed, the journey of married couples is different every year, but the potential contained in choosing love and making it a public statement is still at our disposal, if we so choose.

In my experience, I’ve found that when we have the right energy, are present with our words and actions and hold ourselves accountable for our commitments, the quality of these moments we create is dramatically enhanced.

I’ve found unlocking the meaning and enjoyment of celebration key to my life, and now I’m delighted to share this in service to you and my community.